• Tips for Coping with Job Interview Rejection

    Are you afraid of job interview rejection? Although it hurts to hear that you weren’t accepted for a position, you will inevitably face this reality throughout your career. Seasoned professionals tend to fare better when it comes to job interview rejection because they are able to comprehend it from an objective perspective. Nonetheless, job hunting…

  • Volunteering: The Best Alternative to Summer Internships

    While students, professionals and universities understand the value of an educational internship, it is not always a feasible option for students. Often, time constraints and the competitive nature of summer internships can make attaining one a difficult feat. The best alternative to a summer internship is to become a volunteer. Why Volunteer? Although volunteering does…

  • National Library Week 2009

    Worlds connect @ your library: celebrate National Library Week at Florida National University Library & Resource Room, April 12-18, 2009 It’s National Library Week, a time to celebrate the contributions of libraries, librarians and library workers in schools, campuses and communities nationwide – and the perfect time to discover how worlds connect @ your library.…

  • My FNU: Exploring the New Student Portal

    Finally! The New Student Portal is ready! But was it worth the wait? It certainly was. FNU students have the convenience of on Campus Services right from their computers. Here’s a brief run down of some of the things you can do: • Post Used Textbooks for Sale • Change Your Address • Print your…

  • New to the Blogosphere!

    It is a great pleasure to be part of this blogosphere and provide you all with some tips and information from my own academic experience that you may find useful and help you avoid common mistakes that students make while attending higher education institutions. Why “ aperpetualstudent”? Well, for several reasons including a firm belief…

  • Student Applause Winner Jesus Diaz

    The Student Applause Award was first introduced in June 2008(http://fncstudentservices.wordpress.com/2008/06/11/introducing-the-student-applause-award/). Although the majority of our students are still learning about this recognition opportunity, one South Campus teacher inspired reams of support from his students. Yes, I mean that literally . . . well almost. We received quite an impressive stack of nominations for Mr. Diaz,…

  • Winner of the Student Handbook Scavenger Hunt

    [The Office of Student services delayed the publication of this story, hoping the Hialeah winner would stop by to collect the prize. Since the individual has failed to return our calls, a new winner will be drawn.] Halloween Scavenger Hunt Throughout the month of October, the student services department ran a fun activity for the…