1. A receipt and calculator on top of graph paperGet a Job

Well, this might be a novel idea, getting a job while going to school. Many students do it, and it’s becoming more of the norm these days thanks to how technology has made things more accessible. Working students can take college courses online and this eliminates the responsibility of having to stick to an academic schedule and the hassle of driving through traffic!

While online college courses have changed the way we view going to college, it still needs to be paid for. And it’s not uncommon to hold a job will attending school. Many students have enrolled in college full-time and worked a part-time job. Others have worked full-time jobs. Whatever combination helps you pay your tuition, do it!

You don’t have to be especially picky about what kind of work you’re doing, but if you can find something that is in the field you’re interested in, then by all means, take advantage of that! You could gain a plethora of information by working in an industry you want to earn a degree in. With enough life experiences, there are a few colleges or universities might allow students to test out some of the lower level courses without taking the class. This is rare, but you can certainly consult your academic advisor to confirm whether or not it’s even an option.

  1. Apply for Scholarships

They say that there’s no such thing as free money, but when it comes to winning academic scholarships, it is! Besides the academic work that you put into your college courses, the only work that you need to put in to win an academic scholarship is writing the required essay.

Some scholarships are generous. Others are modest, but money is money, and as a student, every cent counts! Make it your responsibility to consult your financial aid office and ask about any scholarship opportunities that may be available to you.

There are also scholarships awarded outside of the institution. It’s just a matter of looking for them. There are many charitable foundations looking for ways to give money away. Whether it’s for a cause or for a tax write-off, again, you should make it your business to research all of the academic scholarships that are being offered!

  1. Apply for a Work-Study Program

This might be one of the easiest ways to pay for your college education. If you’re attending college in a brick and mortar university, then you might want to consider applying for a work-study program. A work-study program allows you to work at the university in exchange for a semester of tuition. Depending on the university, it could be the semester’s full or partial tuition. This is also something you’d need to consult your academic advisor about.

Some of the places on campus you may be able to work within the work-study program are the library, cafeteria, or computer lab to name a few. Depending on the college, there could be even more ways to work on campus.

  1. Apply for Financial Aid

This is an easy one. Rarely is any student turned down from financial aid. One of the most important things to remember when taking out a loan—whether it’s personal, academic, car note, or mortgage for that matter, is that you will be expected to pay this money back—with interest! So while student loans may flow freely out to you every semester, be mindful of exactly how much you’re taking out and most importantly, what the interest rate its.

The moment you walk across that stage with your college degree, you’ll have approximately 3-6 months to start paying that money back. So, you might want to take into consideration not only the amount you’re withdrawing, but also what your degree will be in.

The hard truth is that some industries pay more than others. So if you’re pursing a profession that typically doesn’t pay a generous salary, then it’s just smart to take out only what you need because you’ll not only need to make a living, you’ll also need to pay your student loans back.

  1. Save for College

If you’re lucky, the moment your parents found they were pregnant with you, they started saving for your college fund! If that wasn’t the case, then the moment you realize that you want to go to college is the moment you should start saving money. Even if you’re flipping burgers, forget about getting the latest sneakers or iPhone, put some of that money away to save for tuition, room and board, and the last thing most students tend to think about, but really, really need… is food! College is expensive and putting away a few dollars here and there could be the difference between starving for a week or having an ample supply of Ramen noodles!

  1. Employer Reimbursement Programs

If you are working full-time while attending college, there’s a slight possibility that your job might pay for your education. Some businesses offer their employees the opportunity to go to school through an Employee Reimbursement Program. Usually, the way this goes is that the employee submits his or her grades to the Human Resource Department along with some other required documents. Then depending on the letter grade, the employee might get reimbursed 70%-100% of that tuition cost.

If you didn’t think you could afford college, one of these 6 ways may have changed your mind. Contact Florida National University to learn about the types of degree programs that are offered today!