Library’s Impact on Student Learning and Success

Florida National University Library

Impact on Student Learning and Success

After being relocated to the new facility to the 2nd Floor of the Dr. Jose Regueiro Building, there are noticeable positive connections between the Library and aspects of student learning and success in few areas particularly that worth to assumed:

  1. Students benefit from library instruction in their initial coursework. Information literacy instruction provided by the Library Staff to students during their initial coursework help them perform better in their courses (SLS1501, Prof. Osvaldo Sanchez’s Economics study, Prof. Lammoglia’s Respiratory studies) Students always thank for excellent help and information provided to them during the Information Literacy Workshops.
  2. Library use increases student success. Students who used the library in some specific ways such as circulation, library instruction session attendance, online database access, study room use, student-athletes’ quiet study time with textbooks in the library positively achieved higher levels of academic success in GPA, course grades, and retention than students who did not use the library.
  3. Collaborative academic programs and services involving the library enhance student learning. Academic library partnerships with other campus units, such as the Writing Center and Athletics’ Department dedication to study and learning success; Nursing students’ success in study in groups in allocated areas; South Campus students’ use of the new enhanced facility and the ESOL students’ fieldtrips to the Florida National University Library yield positive benefits for students in higher grades, academic confidence during the test-taking time, retention.
  4. Information literacy instruction strengthens general education outcomes. Library instruction improves students’ achievement of institutional core competencies and general education outcomes such as inquiry-based and problem-solving learning, including effective identification and use of information, critical thinking, ethical reasoning, and civic engagement. Students obtain better research skills and they letting to know us what they experienced: “The Workshop was perfect!” because they got “important information skills to research and to write papers.”
  5. Library research consultations boost student learning. Students learn one-on-one or in small groups with Librarians’ reference assisting how faster find requested information throughout the Library and online via LIRN’s electronic databases. Students learn to save time by using APA Microsoft templets, use of digital citing in MLA and APA styles, and benefits of using the PowerPoint presentations. As a result, students enhance academic performance, as documented by such factors as student confidence, GPAs, and improved achievement on course assignments.

While these findings may not be generalizable, as from some forms of social science research, the observation method and student and new-hired faculty feedback from Library Information Literacy sessions derived from action research, situates in authentic institutional contexts. The results reflect “on the ground” practices in terms of resources availability and campus priorities.

Library users tell us a strong story about Florida National University’s Library that is contributing to student learning and success. Students and faculty love that the Library because it is “big, beautiful, and quiet.” Prof. Faraddas continues the conversation: “I was trying to rent here a room because of how much I’m here. I come every day.”

“The new library section in the new building is a great upgrade to the previous library. There are more study rooms, overall bigger space to enjoy. I noticed the study rooms are being put to use, the students are using the library’s utilities very wisely, overall it’s a great experience.” (Paloma Zheu, Psychology Online Student, 2018)

There are evidences of promise for library’s impact in four areas which have yielded promising results about positive connections between the library and students’ academic success:

  • The library contributes to improved student retention.
  • Library instruction adds value to a student’s long-term academic experience.
  • The library promotes academic rapport and student engagement.
  • Use of library enhanced space relates positively to student learning and success.

We have to continue the one-on-one and in the small groups Information Literacy hands-on sections both for students of various programs and newly-hired faculty members that they know the access and availability of the traditional and digital electronic resources and services provided by the Library at Florida National University.

Ida Tomshinsky, Library Director

Florida National University