Soon we will be having our FNU graduation. Its meaning will be different for each graduating student, but all will share in the sense of accomplishment and joy that comes from realizing a goal in ones life. It is also a celebration; of the culmination of the time and effort the graduates have devoted, as part of their busy schedule and other responsibilities, to advance in their careers and to seek a better quality of life for themselves and their families.
At Florida National University we have graduating students from all ages in life. Young students who as they graduate are being placed in a job within their field, to gain further experience and start reaping the monetary and satisfying rewards of a career. Other students who plan to continue on further studies and complete their bachelor’s degree. And yet other students who are taking the opportunity of their newly acquired associate’s degree to find a better job and at the same time continue studying their bachelor’s degree part time. All these students have one thing in common: they will all be graduates of Florida National University. As such, they will always have access to the FNU Job Placement Office. There, they will be able to find out about new job opportunities within their careers available to them, polish up their resumes, prepare for a job interview, as they advance to a better job.
Click here and you will be able to have access to the Florida National University Job Placement webpage in the FNU website with many resourceful features. You can also visit them in the New Portal by clicking My FNU on top of the FNU website.
For ultimately, we study a career “to open doors for the future” and by doing so make our lives a lot better as well as the World a better place to be.