As you prepare to take the SAT test, you probably have a million things running through your mind. If you are worried about how you are going to do, a few SAT test taking tips exist to help you get through it with ease. Browse through some of the following SAT test taking strategies in order to gain peace of mind when preparing for the big day.

SAT Test Tips

Go through the test and answer all of the easier questions first. Make a mark by any of the questions that you skip so that way you know where you need to return later on. If you cannot determine the answer quickly, try to eliminate as many of the wrong choices as you can. At that point, the only thing left to do is take an educated guess. Only mark one answer per question. The easier questions will often come ahead of the harder ones, so start there first. If you have absolutely no idea as to which answer is correct, the best option is to skip the question completely.

SAT Test Taking Strategies
It is important that you understand how the scoring works for the test in general. Every question you get correct earns you a point, but every wrong answer will cost you half a point. If you choose to omit an answer, you will not lose any points. This can be one of the more critical points to understand when it comes to SAT test tips to help ensure you receive the best possible score on your test.

If you are searching for some SAT test taking tips, take the time to familiarize yourself with the content beforehand to prevent delays when you are in a timed setting. The more information and knowledge you have ahead of time, the better it will be for you. Good luck in preparing for your exams and be sure to consider Florida National University University (FNU) as your top Miami, Florida University option!

Test Prep Resource Center (2008) SAT I Test Tips and Techniques: Test Tactics and Sectional Strategies for the SAT* I A Study Guide for College Bound Students. Oakwood Publishing Company. Retrieved from