• Should You Get an Associate’s or a Bachelor’s Degree in South Florida?

    Location is a key factor when determining where you want to go to college. You may have narrowed down your selection to South Florida, but where in South Florida is another daunting choice to make. Before you get to that, it’s a good idea to determine what it is you want to do. This can…

  • Battle Against Cancer FNU Showcase

  • Battle Against Cancer FNU Showcase

  • Southeastern University Fire vs. FNU Conquistadors

    Join us this Tuesday at 7:30 p.m. as South Florida’s Newest Men’s College Basketball Team, the Florida National University Conquistadors take on the Southeastern University Fire. Admission is FREE!

  • Southeastern University Fire vs. FNU Conquistadors

    Join us this Tuesday at 7:30 p.m. as South Florida’s Newest Men’s College Basketball Team, the Florida National University Conquistadors take on the Southeastern University Fire. Admission is FREE!

  • 8 Ways to Nail the Dreaded Group Project

    There is nothing quite like it—the dreaded group project is the bane of many students’ existence. However, the group project is a period of learning and skill building which prepares students for success at a higher level. Why is the Group Project Important? First of all, it’s crucial to understand the importance of group projects.…

  • How Do You Know Which Associates Degree is Right For You?

    Are you looking to jump-start your career? Want to augment your earning potential in your current field? An associate’s degree may be the answer. An associate’s degree is a postsecondary degree awarded to students who have completed a recognized educational program called “Associates of Arts” or “Associates of Science”. Most associate degrees can be earned…

  • The Act of Thankful Giving

    “Thanksgiving, after all, is a word of action.” ~W.J. Cameron There is an underground movement brewing in Florida National University. It’s very subtle. Students gathering, asking, “What can I do to make a difference?” Community service is not a graduation requirement here. With a student body primarily made up of non-traditional students, it was always…

  • Congratulations Jose Regueiro Scholarship Winner!

    The Office of Student Services would like to congratulate Patricio J. Estupinan from South Miami Senior High School, recipient of the Jose Regueiro Scholarship. The scholarship will cover the complete tuition cost of any A.A. or A.S. program here at FNU. Estupinan graduated from his class with a 3.5 GPA and participated in a number…