• How Do General Education Courses Support a Nursing Degree?

    Nurses require a broad knowledge base to provide holistic and patient-centered care. General education courses are critical for nursing because they expose FNU students to a diverse range of disciplines— from the social and the hard sciences to the humanities — which lays the foundation for higher learning. As part of a 2-year degree program,…

  • Which Nursing Program in Miami Should I Choose?

    If you’re thinking of enrolling in a nursing program in Miami, but are undecided on which type of program to enroll in, the first thing you need to do is conduct a bit of research. Choosing a college program of any kind is nothing to take lightly. It’s an investment of your time and…

  • Become a Nurse With Our Practical Nurse Certificate Program in Miami

    Nursing is a challenging and rewarding career. While nursing isn’t the right occupation for everyone, people with a strong desire to pursue a lucrative and stable career that provides opportunities to help and care for others may find this occupation to be satisfying on personal and professional levels. Several Types of Nursing Qualifications   The…