Tag: Real-Life Experience FNU

image of business analyst sitting behind computer facing the camera

What Does a Business Analyst Do?

Interested in becoming a business analyst? Wonder what they do on a day-to-day basis? This article will review why business analysts are important, what they do, and where they work. […]

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Is it Hard to Get into the Disney College Program?

Did you know that Florida National University (FNU) partners with the Disney College Program? The Disney College Program (DCP) is a highly regarded internship and educational program offered by the […]

student graduating with black graduation gown and yellow scarf

How Do I Know if a University is Accredited?

Ready to attend a post-secondary institution? Not sure which one to pick? While there are many things you should look for in an education, accreditation is one of the most […]

young women sitting on couch reading letter with a smile

What Makes Me Eligible for a Scholarship?

Are you ready to attend university but not sure how you are going to afford it? While there are many options that can help you pay for tuition, scholarships are […]

police officer in window of a car talking to driver holding their drivers license

What is Criminology?

Do you have an interest in criminal justice? Want to work in law enforcement or the criminal legal system? If this sounds like you, Florida National University (FNU) offers two […]

header image of forensic psychologist talking to client

Pursuing a Master’s Degree in Forensic Psychology

If you are enthusiastic about the prospect of a career in forensic psychology, pursuing a Master’s degree in this field can be a transformative step toward achieving your goals. Let […]

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