• Barbados Native Completes FNU’s Respiratory Therapy Review Program

    Ms. Kimberley Cumberbatch, a native from Barbados, recently completed a Respiratory Therapy review program at Florida National University (FNU). In this article, she shares her experiences as an international student and attending Florida National University. I am an international student from Barbados in the Caribbean enrolled at Florida National University in a first time ever…

  • Make Higher Education an Essential Goal Rather than a Desired New Year’s Resolution

    Each year, we make promises to ourselves that we can’t always keep. We make them in the first place because we recognize their value or have been advised by the people we trust to reach certain goals. Although it’s ultimately our decision to follow through with the promises we make to ourselves and to others, attaining higher education is not something that should fall to the wayside.

  • Florida National University Students Attend Holocaust Memorial

    On February 18th, 2014, Professor Daylen Elosegui took her “Introduction to Ethics” class on a field trip to the Holocaust Memorial at Miami Beach. There the students met Mr. Henry Flescher, a Holocaust survivor. During the activity, students heard Henry’s narrative about his days at Auschwitz and Buchenwald. They were able to ask him questions…

  • The Definition of an FNU Mother

    Although Florida National University’s premier athletic team, the Conquistadors, is relatively new within college sports, the dedication of the players and their family has been unbelievable. To demonstrate the gratitude each player and their respective families have for one another, we caught up with Heather Beard, mother of Bruce Evan Moorman, who is the Conquistador’s…

  • Tips for Making a Web Design Portfolio

    The best way for creative professionals to demonstrate their expertise is to share what they’ve done. Rather than sending a prospective employer or client your work by attaching files to an email, enhance your résumé by developing an online portfolio.

  • Student Loan Repayment Resources

    The following resources have been provided by Federal Student Aid an Office of the U.S. Department of Education. Class of 2013: If you just graduated and you have student loans, you should probably watch this… http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oJHySMdXjxE Class of 2013: Is your student loan debt high compared to your income? Check out our income-driven repayment plans:…

  • 25 Valuable Resources to Help Students with FAFSA

    The following resources have been provided by Federal Student Aid an Office of the U.S. Department of Education. The new FAFSA for the 2014-15 school year is now available! Let the funds begin: www.fafsa.gov One thing you don’t need for the FAFSA? Money! Remember, the FAFSA is FREE when you use the official .gov site:…

  • How Certificate Programs Enhance Resumes

    Certification programs are a great way to learn more about a specific field or skill set that, in turn, can enhance your résumé by making you more competitive and increasing your eligibility for more opportunities. In addition, people also consider certification programs as an alternative or supplement to graduate school. Regardless of what specialization you’re interested in, certification programs encompass the following elements:

  • One Year Online MBA Program for International Students

    Don’t let your inability to leave your home country dissuade you from obtaining an MBA. You can still obtain the advantages of being a U.S. business school student from the comfort of your own home, where you will be exposed to the latest business practices, research and theories from experts in the field. Ultimately, holding an international MBA from an accredited American institution will transform your career and present you with opportunities that may not have been available before.

  • What International Students Should Look For When Choosing a University From the United States

    Attending college in the United States is becoming an increasingly popular choice among international students. According to a recent report by U.S. News, “the United States enrolled the highest number of international students in its history during the 2012-2013 school year, welcoming 819, 644 undergraduate and graduate students to colleges and universities across the country.” While a student’s reasons for wanting to attend college in the United States vary from person to person, there are a few things every international student should be looking for when choosing a university.