• 10 Holiday Tips for Students Away from Home

    The holidays are a special season filled with food, family, friends, and fun, but what do students do when they cannot head back home for the holidays? Follow Florida National University’s (FNU) tips if you find yourself far from home this season. Begin with Coping & Realization First of all, students should realize that they…

  • Tips for Scoring an Accounting Job

    Obtaining a new job can be very stressful — and an accounting job is no exception. Students who are currently studying accounting, or hope to in the future, should follow Florida National University’s (FNU) tips for finding and getting the right job in the field! Endless Opportunity Accountants can work in a number of careers…

  • 8 Ways to Nail the Dreaded Group Project

    There is nothing quite like it—the dreaded group project is the bane of many students’ existence. However, the group project is a period of learning and skill building which prepares students for success at a higher level. Why is the Group Project Important? First of all, it’s crucial to understand the importance of group projects.…

  • How to Tackle the Admissions Process, Head On

    The admissions process can seem to be a daunting task from the onset; that is why we decided to compile a list of practices to follow when applying to a school or program. The following are our tips for tackling the admissions process: Be Yourself Schools often sift through a lot of applicants touting their…