• Getting an Associate’s Degree in Medical Assistant Technology

    With over thirty years experience providing students with the chance to develop a career in their program of choice, Florida National University has been helping students improve their chances of getting a viable career in their chosen field. All the Classes Necessary to Graduate We have three campus locations where students can attend our regular university classes. With the objective of preparing you to become a multi-skilled medical assistant, our... Read More
  • The Most Affordable MBA Program in Florida

    Benefits of Our Affordable MBA Program If you are interested in a business education, the benefits of getting your MBA are enormous. Once you have achieved your bachelor’s degree, upping the ante with higher education is the perfect way to hone your managerial skills for dealing with any possible situation in management. Here are a few reasons why choosing an affordable MBA program is in your best interest. Developing Strong... Read More
  • Is An Online College Degree Worth It?

    Can’t advance in your career? Looking to improve your life through completing a college education? Don’t have the time to take a full course load or go to a traditional campus-based university? Finding the Right Solution Often these questions can be daunting if you don’t have the right solution. And many potential students give up when they realize that the alternatives to getting a college degree ARE often not enough... Read More
  • Service Projects and Education: A Rewarding Combination

    Service in education has been a longstanding tradition in the university experience. Service projects not only help students acquire practical skills and career experience, but they also help organizations and individuals in the community. This serves to further strengthen the bond between university and community, as well as between individuals. Additionally, providing service enhances students’ world view, increases empathy, and provides unique experiences. The service aspect of an education should... Read More
  • What it Takes to Launch a Career in Business

    In an increasingly corporate world there is a high demand for people with a good mind for finance, accounting and business administration. Businesses rely on these professionals to analyze investments and holdings and provide profitable solutions to economic problems and business situations. Although financiers, accountants, and business administrators all carve out a unique niche of the market, the amount of overlap is considerable. A degree in any of these fields... Read More
  • Associate of Arts in Education

    There are few careers as personally fulfilling or as important to the future as one in Education. Within the field of Education there are many different paths to pursue, depending on the academic level where one will teach and even the subject that one will teach. While the paths may be different for each specialty, one of the most advisable beginnings is an Associate of Arts in Education. Florida National... Read More
  • Florida National University’s Office of Student Services is Ready to Serve You

    Getting accepted to a university can be one of the most exciting times of one’s life. Parents and friends offer congratulations and support in abundance, but few mention the challenges that are involved. Getting an acceptance letter is just the beginning of a difficult path with many obstacles along the way. In a study of a national class of students entering four-year programs in 1997, after six years, fewer than... Read More
  • Why is Community Service Important?

    Community Service Has a Number of Important Benefits Engaging in community service provides students with the opportunity to become active members of their community which has a lasting, positive impact on society at large. Community service or volunteerism enables students to acquire life skills, as well as provide a service to those who need it most. These are some of the common benefits of participating in a community service program:... Read More
  • Meet Mr. Daniel Diaz Respiratory Therapist, Entrepreneur and Florida National University Graduate

    [caption id="attachment_8830" align="alignleft" width="300"] Mr. Daniel Diaz - Florida National University Graduate[/caption] In 2010, Daniel Diaz and two other high school friends started the Tropical Smoothies business at Florida International University's Modesto Maidique's campus. Danny is also a real estate investment entrepreneur who, in view of the housing and financial crisis, decided to "have a plan B." He enrolled in the respiratory therapy program at Florida National University and graduated... Read More
  • Florida National University Graduate performs on The Voice

    Go Monique! Watch Florida National University Graduate Ms. Monique Abbadie perform "Loca" on The Voice.