• How FNU Offers to Help Students Get Jobs After Graduation

      For a student, nothing can be more elating than walking across the stage to accept his/her college degree. All of the years of sacrifice, studying late nights—sleepless nights even—the hard work, and determination is finally being officially recognized by family, friends, faculty, administration and distinguished guests. It is a milestone that certainly deserves to be celebrated. Yet, after all of the excitement dies down, the reality of life-after-college sets... Read More
  • What High School Graduates Should Do to Prep for College

    For junior and senior high school students, it’s never too early to prepare for college. Making the choice to attend college is just the beginning of the enrollment process. There are many steps to take to enroll in a college, so the earlier you start, the better! First, you need to find the right college to attend, and if you’re strategic about your goals, you’ll be incredibly meticulous about this... Read More
  • How to Pick a Miami University That’s Right for You

    When it comes to looking for a university in Miami, Florida, oftentimes, the name can be deceiving. Sometimes, the name of the university doesn’t reflect its location. For example, you may have been looking for universities to attend in Miami, but most likely stumbled upon Miami University, a college located in Oxford, Ohio! Florida National University is Actually Located in Florida! If you’re looking to attend college in the South... Read More
  • Olivia Rodriguez – Valedictorian Speech

    Fellow graduates, I want you to know what a great honor it is to be standing here on this stage alongside our Faculty members, Staff, Administration and Distinguished Guests. Today is truly a day to be thankful and to be inspired. When I received, news informing me about the honor of speaking today I was happy but I was also a little nervous. A commencement speech is meant to inspire... Read More
  • 6 Things About Miami Nursing Programs You May Not Have Known

    Depending on where you live in the United States, some professions might thrive a little better than others. This is mainly due to the current population, the projected growth of a city, and the demand of a product and/or service. The respected career of Nursing is one of those professions that’s needed all over the country—even the world. However, depending on where you live, the demand for such a position... Read More
  • Business Students reach Global Top 100 in Glo-Bus Simulation

    Florida National University's Executive MBA Program is currently teaching the Entrepreneurial and Strategic Thinking class, and the students are participating in the GLO-BUS Simulation Game 2017 Edition: “2017 Developing Winning Competitive Strategies”. This simulation is being used by many Business Schools and Universities throughout the world at the same time. One of the FNU-MBA teams (Better Cameras Corp (Company B) has been able to reach the Global Top 100 Performers.... Read More
  • Patricia Caraballo – Salutatorian Speech

    Good afternoon everyone. We are gathered here today to celebrate the graduation ceremony of 2017. My name is Patricia Caraballo, and I am very honored to be here today. First of all, on behalf of the entire classes of 2017, I would like to greet and express our gratitude to the following: Mrs. Regueiro, Ms. Hernandez, Dr. Almonte, Dr. Bullen, Dr. Rodriguez, Mr. Perez, Dr. Coll, Dr. Burgos, Dr. Cesar-Berrouet,... Read More
  • 6 Credit Card Mistakes Students Make (and How to Avoid Them)

    6 Credit Card Mistakes Students Make (and How to Avoid Them) Beth Kotz A college education grants students a wider range of career opportunities and opens the door to a brighter future. Beyond the classroom, it’s also a time to gain a deeper understanding of adult privileges and responsibilities. One of the biggest privileges afforded to college students is the chance to open their first line of credit. With that,... Read More
  • What’s the Difference Between a RN and Advanced Registered Nurse Practitioner (ARNP)?

    Sometimes confusion exists among nursing hopefuls about the difference between a Registered Nurse and an Advanced Registered Nurse Practitioner (ARNP). Florida National University (FNU) would like to help clear up some of this confusion, especially for those who are interested in pursuing a degree as a practicing nurse. Registered Nurse A Registered Nurse (RN) is the healthcare worker that most people are familiar with in this industry. RNs specialize in... Read More
  • FNU Student follows Family Inspiration to Pursue Career

    Meet Efren Martinez Triana… Efren Martinez Triana has been living the US only three years; however, he is determined to study, learn, practice his skills to become an excellent professional Dental Technician. He originally studied dental technology in his native country, Cuba. Upon arriving to the USA, his new home, he wanted to continue his dental technology path, and update his skills to new and more advanced dental technology techniques.... Read More